Train the Trainer Training

As a professional trainer, you also have to undergo training to gain knowledge of the newest methodologies and techniques used in the training industry. Whether you are an experienced trainer or someone new to the training industry wanting to strengthen your training capabilities, this Train the Trainer training course from PD Training presents the most up-to-date trends and strategies on how to train people. This course will demonstrate how to become a facilitator of learning, not merely a presenter. You will build self-confidence, connect with your audience and leave your trainees admiring your training abilities.

Always take note that the success and effectiveness of training largely depends on the qualities of the trainer. Hence, it is also vital that the trainer update and hone his or her skills. This Training the Trainer course provides participants an introduction to primary training and presentation skills like understanding the various elements of a competent training program: planning, designing, implementing, marketing, connecting and delivery.

These fun, high-energy training courses are delivered by experienced professionals throughout Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur.

This Train the Trainer training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Your Learning Outcomes

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Design a training course targeted for adult learners
  • Plan the delivery of a course by ensuring that all the key elements of effective training are present
  • Learn how to communicate one's message effectively
  • Develop techniques to overcome barriers to learning
  • Prepare and deliver a training session
  • Learn to construct assessments to validate the learning
  • Gain techniques for providing encouragement and coaching during the training process
  • Create post-course evaluation forms
  • Evaluate their peers and also receive feedback from them during class

PDT Training specialise in:

Live Online



Plus the workshops are always tailored to your current context

"I found the course was very helpful and informative. The Indigenous Cultural Diversity trainer was extremely helpful with his knowledge on indigenous training. I enjoyed his style of training. The trainer for "Making Live Training Lively" was very helpful and I also enjoyed her style of training. She was very switched on and spoke from experience. Julie was extremely informative, and made the training lively. (Customized Training Course)."
- HELP Enterprises

More happy clients

Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Train the Trainer Training Now

This is a high impact, high intensity train the trainer course designed for workplaces that need trainers who will hit the ground running as soon as possible.

This is not a box ticking exercise for passing assessments, this is for people who require the skills to train in today's professional workplaces.

This Train the Trainer Training Program is designed to benefit employees that are being asked to design and/or deliver training in the workplace. Participants learn about the learning needs of adults, planning and developing different types of training and delivering and assessing the success of the training.

Course Outline for Train the Trainer Training

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started

  • Welcome
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Expectations
  • What are Your Expectations of Today?
  • Getting Off on the Right Foot
  • Ground Rules
  • Characteristics of a Trainer
  • Reflection

Topic 2

Your Personality Style and Training

  • REACH Review
  • Comprehensive Training Guidance
  • Reflection

Topic 3

The Fundamentals of Training

  • Three Pillars of Learning
  • Effective Workplace Training
  • Identifying Participants’ Needs
  • Accelerated Adult Learning
  • Instructional Methods
  • Reflection

Topic 4

Learning Preferences

  • One Learning Preference Doesn’t Fit All
  • What’s my Learning Preference?
  • Reflection

Topic 5

How to Plan and Structure your Training

  • Session Planning
  • Course Structure
  • Introduction Session
  • Organising the Content
  • How to Develop a Session Plan
  • Reflection

Topic 6

Creating Your Lesson Plan

  • Introduction
  • Main Content - Body
  • Conclusion
  • Reflection

Topic 7

Assess the Learning

  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Functions of Assessment
  • Tools
  • Reflection

Topic 8

Verbal Communication Skills

  • Para-Verbal Communication Skills
  • Reflection

Topic 9

Effective Listening

  • Listening vs Hearing
  • Reflection

Topic 10

Non-Verbal Communication Skills

  • Understanding Body Language?
  • How to Read Body Language
  • How to Project Positive Body Language
  • Reflection

Topic 11

Asking Good Questions

  • Questioning Styles
  • Questioning Techniques
  • Reflection

Topic 12

Choosing Activities

  • Types of Activities
  • Choosing the Right Activities
  • Reflection

Topic 13

Preparing the Workshop

  • Materials Needed for a Running a Course
  • Setting Up the Physical Location
  • Reflection

Topic 14

Delivery Tips and Trick

  • Build Presentation Mechanics
  • Training Aids
  • Delivery Tips:
  • Reflection

Topic 15

How to Manage Challenging Situations and Personalities

  • Barriers to Learning
  • Self-Control
  • 8 Tough Personas in a Group Training
  • Lead by Example
  • Handling Challenging Situations and Interruptions
  • Reflection

Topic 16


  • Principles of Feedback
  • Types of Feedback
  • Feedback Delivery Tools
  • Feedback Using the SBI model
  • Reflection

Topic 17




from 7 responses
Download PDF Outline Duration: 3.0 Days

Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Train the Trainer Training Now

We create training that meets your needs.

1-hour Motivator

3-hour Power Sessions

Full Day Training

Conferences & Summits


We’ll make things easier so you can focus on adding more value

We take care of all of the details, so you don’t have to:

  • Invite people to
  • Sign
    In Sheet
  • Generate Branded
    Course Flyers
  • PDF’S of
  • Collects and
    Reports Feedback
  • Complete Results

What are people going to do differently?

At the completion of training participants are encouraged to create an action plan, and invite an accountability buddy via their Orgmenta App.

In your Training Management Centre you have transparency to the action plans so you can see what people are going to do differently.

Want to get clear on impacts and measure success? We support you.

Our systems and people make it easy to identify how you’ll be able to measure impacts and then report on the success in the weeks or months after training.

Do you already have a training management system and wish they were automatically up to date?

It’s surprisingly easy to make it so that your system can automatically be up to date with all the training record details you need.

More than just a training provider - we are your learning and development partner.

We look forward to working with you, talk to one of our friendly expert consultants today.
Talk to our team

Outstanding learning that people can do in the flow of work

  • Fresh targeted video-based microlearning content with interactive lessons and quizzes included.
  • Rigourous review process
  • Only $11.00 per course per person per year
  • Or get the $110.00 bundle and save

Asking Questions

The most important foundation for communication and building meaningful relationships is listening, develop your skills with this micro eLearning course.

Bite size learning that people love

Not exactly what you needed? Try other courses in the Training, Facilitation & Presentation Courses Category